Sunday, February 4, 2018

The Necro Files 2 (2003)

"The Necro Files 2" is pretty much a rehash of the first one with slightly less gore, yet more nudity. It also seemed to have somewhat of a more serious tone, hence, no flying demon babies this time around.

The brother of the serial-necro rapist/killer from the first flick is following in his sibling's footsteps by brutally murdering women, fucking and cannibalizing them. The same cops from before are back and are noticing similarities between the killing sprees so they're on the hunt for the culprit. Meanwhile, the killer puking and pissing on his bro's grave somehow resurrects the big-dicked zombie rapist who picks up where HE left off - slinging his monstrous donger at any bitches who happen to cross his path.

Like I said - not much new going on in this one. The budget is still clearly minimal and there's no shortage of chicks stripping down and providing wanton vag-shots. That's all good, so this flick isn't a total wash, though it's safe to say, for what it's worth, the first one is more entertaining.

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