Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Bloody Video Horror That Made Me Puke on My Aunt Gertrude (1989)

When something really sucks... and I mean SUCKS, it's hard for me to go so far as to call it the worst thing I've ever seen. I've seen plenty of horrible films, but goddamn, I would put this one right up there with one of the most miserable attempts at film-making I've seen.

Something about a guy in a fake beard who makes a snuff film and forgets to take the tape out of the camera before returning it to the video store he rented it from. Following this, the apathetic store employee gets mixed up in his boss' murder and the snuff-maker...

"The Bloody Video Horror..." is a blurry SOV piece of anally regurgitated fecal-coated, limp-dicked abomination with NO "bloody", NO "horror" and I don't recall an aunt Gertrude... The video store set looks was someone's living room, gore is strictly avoided - thanks to a 'milk money' budget - and the 80-minute runtime is heavily padded with meandering dialog that one can hardly hear due to the horrendously crackly audio. Fuck this movie...

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