Two old friends cross paths in a bar after five years and, while catching up, are invited to party with a high-roller with a seemingly endless cash supply and his young trophy wife. The friends - both considerably down-on-their-luck - agree to participate in a night of increasingly difficult/dangerous/debasing challenges for various, yet large sums of money...
Like "Would You Rather", "Cheap Thrills" mixes in occasional slices of dark-humor along with more serious elements of self-torture and outward violence. Of the two very similar films, I'd say "Cheap Thrills" easily tops the few other aforementioned flicks of this 'category', what with the heavy emphasis on the desperation, greed and deception that consumes the two friends as they 'whore' out their dignity and well-being for fat stacks of C-notes. It's a fun, quick watch. Performances are all pretty convincing and the included 'stabs' at humor work well among the 'heavier' moments. Worth checking out...
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