Monday, January 22, 2018

The Devil's Candy (2015)

I'd been hearing people talking favorably about this one for a while - seeing it hit a lot of 'top horror movies of the year' lists so I figured it was finally time to get my distrusting ass in gear and check it out. I'm glad I did, cuz "The Devil's Candy" IS a pretty damn cool horror flick.

A metalhead painter moves his wife and pre-teen daughter into a country-home that is, of course, remarkably affordable due to some past murders that took place there. While getting settled in, the dad begins hearing hellish chanting in his mind that put him in trance-like states while unwittingly painting progressively dark and evil shit. All the while, the previous resident of their rural abode is roaming the area, ALSO hearing devilish voices in his head (which he tries to drown out with loud guitar playing), that seem to be forcing him to abduct and dismember children. Shit comes to a head when he sets his sights on the daughter.

"The Devil's Candy" ultimately succeeds in steering clear of many tired horror cliches you'd expect in a set-up like this. The movie gives off some serious "Amityville Horror" vibes up 'til a certain point, but manages to maintain a healthy amount of originality and tension. Thankfully, the 'supernatural' element isn't over-played and hokey so the movie is able to come across as a bit more "real" and focus more on the characters than your run-of-the-mill ghostly "boo"-scares, which I liked. I also dug the musical 'theme' of the movie, being primarily metal, which actually works well in how it's incorporated. "The Devil's Candy" is a surprisingly cool and entertaining flick. Check it out.

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