A homeless man, scraping by on the beaches of Delaware, receives news one day from a police officer that the man who was charged in the murder of his parents is being released from prison. He swiftly devises a revenge plot, which he orchestrates, but not without egregious flaws that puts his sister and her children in harms way of a now solidified war that has been ignited...
As for the good points, "Blue Ruin" shows a much more unidealistic take on revenge films - not going for the all-out, Death Wish-style romp, but actually a more down-to-earth, somewhat subtle approach. The main character never comes across as the 'hero' type and most of his encounters and brushes with violence turn out to be very clumsy and unfortunate for him. Hell, at a certain point he meekly tries to opt out of the increasingly violent situation. So, I liked that element and thought it was well executed, there. My biggest problem with the film that I couldn't really get past was the weak back story. It's explained, but not much detail is given at all so it ends up feeling kinda glossed over whereas I thought the movie could have benefited from a bit more of a compelling explanation for the film's premise. Overall, it's well worth checking out. Also check out the Australian flick, "The Horseman".
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