Saturday, April 20, 2013

Bad Karma (1991, Alex Chandon)

More early underground video-splatter absurdity from UK director Alex Chandon. Like his other gore short "Drillbit", "Bad Karma" is full of cheezy creatures, excessive bloodshed and crazy punkers.

A cult of shape-shifting Krishnas crash a guy's backyard birthday party, killing his parents and all the guests after one of them transforms into a dinosaur-headed beast with Wolverine claws. The surviving guy and his girlfriend run over to a buddy's S&M whorehouse for help with the shape-shifters in pursuit. After a big fight, the brothel patrons get their asses handed to 'em by the creatures, so in come the evil clan's arch enemies: a family of angry rednecks...

Of course, the budget is meager, the production value is terrible and so is the acting, but one thing about Chandon's films; he goes all-out with the effects work. Yeah, it's cheap looking, but there's obviously some effort put into the design and creation of it all which I will always appreciate when watching this kind of SOV horror material. My criteria when it comes to this type of stuff is to keep it an appropriate length for what you're trying to pull off and put some effort into the effects. Or just throw in a scene where a guy is butt-fucked with a chainsaw like this goddamn thing. "Bad Karma" does both of these and that's why I'd recommend it to gore-hounds...

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