Sunday, June 18, 2017

Pinup Dolls on Ice (2013)

If you've seen my review for "Bikini Girls on Ice", you'll know that it definitely ranks up there as one of my favorite slashers of the past 10 years. Like that one, "Pinup Dolls..." offers up minimal plot interference which is aided by plenty of partial-to-fully nude broads and a raving-fucking-lunatic slaughtering them! And this sequel ups that shit significantly, since the first installment.

A throwback pin-up striptease act is hired to perform in a rural trailer park where batshit crazy killer gas station attendant, Moe, is still doing his 'thang' of huffing around with his axe and butchering locals...

So, "Pinup Dolls on Ice" keeps in a much similar 'tone' as "Bikini Girls..." -  featuring the reasonably hot (a few exceptionally hot...) group of female victims AND making them so frustratingly annoying that when our brutish psychopath comes along to pick them off, you can't help but be gleefully screaming for their blood! Once again, killer Moe almost makes Leatherface look like he's on Ritalin. He might be the angriest slasher antagonist ever - at one point resorting to punching a cornered young lady to death WHILE holding an axe! Hell yeah! You also get a little back story into killer Moe's troubled childhood and why he's so obsessed with icing his dead bitches. There's also some necrophilia and a nice little scene clearly inspired by a certain point in "American History X".  I really hope there are more entries to the "On Ice" franchise. I'm a proud fan.

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