"The German Chainsaw Massacre" (aka. "Blackest Heart") is a bizarre and exuberantly absurd splatter-comedy with a strong 'arthouse' tenor. In that regard, it's a bit hard to get 'into', but I found it enjoyable nonetheless...
After killing her scumbag husband (who I'm pretty sure was played by a woman in a Moe Howard wig... ), a woman flees to west Germany to meet up with her boyfriend. There, she falls prey to a psychotic family of butchers who use GDR citizens as a cheap form of bratwurst meat.
Instead of going the straight horror/splatter route, this flick plays out as more of a political satire on German government and as a mean spirited commentary on the reunification process of 1990. It's an incredibly disjointed film due to the political context expressed through over-the-top characters and general inanity, though, in that same token, it's pretty damn entertaining. Udo Kier pops up a few times - once with a weird drawn-on swastika Hitler 'stache and again as a giggling loon igniting himself with flammable alcohol - and completely steals the show. All of the characters are as memorable as they are crazy and strange and there's a fair amount of cheap, splattery gore.
It's too weird of a flick to recommend to the casual viewer, but those into truly 'offbeat' cinema will get a kick out of this, I'm sure.
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