The latest feature from Alex Chandon is definitely his most 'slick' looking film to date and keeps the gory entertainment rolling along pretty well, but I still felt it left a bit much to be desired...
"Inbred" focuses on a group of delinquents who are on a trip with a couple of social workers to a small village in Northern England. Their goal seems to be aimed at salvaging valuables from the interior of broken down and abandoned train cars. While in town, the cliquish Yorkshire hillbillies start causing problems for the visitors, which - as you would figure - escalates into a bunch of crazy, violent shit that just so happens to involve some type of savage Vaudeville show from Hell.
I'd surly consider myself a fan of Chandon's early work, namely his ultra-indie splatter-punk shorts "Drillbit", "Bad Karma", and I dug his muddled 2001 film, "Cradle of Fear", despite it's shortcomings. "Inbred" is certainly his best feature, in terms of relatively slick production value and obvious attempts at steering the psychotic redneck genre mold in a slightly more original direction. I thought the humor elements (something I'm usually a bit dubious towards when it comes to horror films) worked for this one, as it's not too over-played at the wrong moments and actually adds a nice 'weirdness' factor. The gore is abundant and creative enough, so that's definitely a plus. What I found a tad disappointing was the affluence of digital gore FX. One thing that always stuck out about Chandon's old short films was his aptitude for practical gore/creature designs. This isn't enough to ruin the film, but it was a notable gripe I had. Still, like I said, the creativity is there - i.e. a scene in which septic shit-sludge is pumped down a guy's throat until he explodes shit all over a crowd of retarded spectators. That was when the movie officially became awesome!
While it didn't blow me away, Chandon's style and splattery 'action' is all there which makes "Inbred" an enjoyable flick. Kind of along the lines of a gory "Straw Dogs", I'd say. However, I'm still waiting for Chandon to come out with his definitive feature-length swan song. I can't say this was it...
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