Wednesday, September 28, 2011

This Hollow Sacrament (2007, Greg Stechman)

A movie about a serial killer who preys on female rape victims sounds like a foolproof premise for which to base a film. Turns out, "This Hollow Sacrament" is an excruciatingly boring piece of shit that many misguided horror fans pictured as the be-all end-all of "cutting edge" film making.

An OJ Simpson look-alike police detective is on the hunt for a killer who is snatching up women around Northern California.

For some reason, the movie drifts into some indecipherable bullshit involving the detective's wife and her pregnancy complications. The film jumps around inanely to random scenes with very little explanation. The goriest thing about This is a pregnant woman's stomach being sawed apart. Other than that, there's really no memorable death scenes or "extreme" gore. All I can think to say about "This Hollow Sacrament" is that it is a horrendously dull, digitally shot, clumsily written and edited, disappointing MESS. I'd go so far as to recommend "Murder-Set-Pieces" over this... Avoid.

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