On December 31, 1999 a father, his daughter and new wife are celebrating New Years up in the mountains just in case the 'Y2Kaos' hysteria is legit and apocalyptic shit goes down. Their camping trip is interrupted by a family of hillbillies who are after new women to wed/impregnate after we see their sister giving birth to a deformed, inbred baby (which is promptly killed...). While this is going on, a loony scientist has hiked out into the same woods to document the arising of an ancient creature that only shows up for one night every one thousand years. So big bugs and deranged rednecks collide in a considerably odd climactic "showdown", of sorts.
The bug creature is comprised of decent enough looking practical effects - blending, what appear to be, a fly, a slug and a stegosaurus with retracting facial tentacles and random, spiked appendages. We don't see all that much of it until the last half hour or so, however. Up to then, the movie plays out as pretty standard 'killer redneck family' horror piece, which supplies some amusement and some good gory moments - also practical (hell, the production company behind this movie is called No CGI Films, so they keep it legit, despite an obviously meager budget...). After a while, though, I felt it getting a little redundant and was more than ready for some bug action. Overall, "The Millennium Bug" is nothing close to spectacular, but it's not a total piece of shit either. I'll commend it on its cheezy, yet passable, effects work and the outright ridiculousness of the premise. I've seen way worse.