Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Amoklauf (1994)

I've made it clear in past reviews that I haven't hated everything that Uwe Boll has done like a lot of people (quite a bit of it IS shit, however...), but one of his earlier films, "Amoklauf", isn't what I would consider his crowning achievement. That said, it's immensely better than his bullshit video game adaptations that followed some years later.

We basically see a day-in-the-life of a serial killer as he works as a waiter during the day and spends the night in his disgusting bedroom, watching German "Price Is Right", "Faces of Death" and porn. As he's masturbating, he gets a knock at the door from his attractive female neighbor, whom he attacks before continuing to jerk off while she watches during her last few moments alive. He then goes on a shooting spree in a park...

"Amoklauf" definitely has that German serial killer movie 'feel' - sort of like a more uneventful, less 'disturbing' take on Jorg Buttgereit's film, "Schramm". The 'tone' obviously is very much darker than anything else I have seen from Boll and his more recent, 'mainstream' stuff, though it just felt too padded out to me with the "Faces of Death" footage and porn. Overall, it's not a bad flick. Definitely watchable if you like nasty, austere serial killer movies. As far as Uwe Boll's filmography goes, I'd put it in the top three. It's got a scummy 'feel' and the end massacre was fairly well done.

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