Sunday, May 11, 2014

Storage 24 (2012, Johannes Roberts)

Goddamn, this was some weak-ass shit! Just as formulaic as a creature movie can possibly be with a nice dose of BLAND thrown in to complete this boring hunk of fecal-caked retardation.

So, you got a bunch of your standard, uninteresting characters coming together at a storage facility - focusing primarily on a guy who suspects his girlfriend of cheating on him. She is. And she's hanging out with a few friends in a storage locker when he shows up with his pretty-boy friend. Turns out that his girlfriend is, in fact, cheating on him with the VERY friend that he came there with, which is pretty awkward and... Oh, also something from the sky crashed into the building and the lights keep going on and off. But, now back to this episode of Melrose Place: Storage Wars Edition. Well, the friend ends up fucking his buddy's below-average girlfriend when he's not around while her much hotter blonde friend and the cocky douchebag character (who is, of course, the first one to bitch out, run away in a panic and get killed off, stupidly) go to the restroom and find a candy machine. And, I guess there's a vicious alien lurking about. But THEN the guy finds out that his friend is fucking his girlfriend and soap opera drama ensues! Oh, it's a fucking thrill ride!

To sum it up, it takes about 65 minutes of this 87 minute movie for something of significance involving the creature to take place. As far as the look of the alien, it's a dopey potato-headed insect-ish thing that looks like Pumpkinhead and Predator's butt-baby. It's not terrible looking, but it's pretty forgettable. There's one or two scenes of strong gore, but the rest is padded out with meandering scenes of these people rummaging through boxes for weapons and having relationship woes. Dull, dull, DULL.

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