The movie revolves around a wide range of high school seniors and their teachers going about their last day of the school year. The central focus is a ruthlessly bullied kid who wants his equally abused friend to accompany him on a retributive killing spree throughout the school as a way of "leaving their mark". Other characters include the smug jock who crassly breaks up with his girlfriend cuz she won't put out. The sadistic bully who has an 'awakening' of guilt (too little too late...). Rich goth girl smoking meth on the roof. Teacher taking out his creative shortcomings on his students. Kid who knocked up his girlfriend having a dull argument...
Problem is that most of this shit doesn't matter in the end, yet it takes up the majority of the film. The school drug dealer getting shook down by the guidance counselor didn't matter AT ALL and the whole retard-rape flashback was too over-the-top gratuitious and also took up too much time. Then, the 'big' end massacre was pretty brief and unfulfilling, aside from an ironic 'twist' in which the clueless media praises one of the bullies as a hero - claiming he's proof that "there is hope for America's youth".
Overall, "Heart of America" is pretty weak. I guess I was hoping for something a little more 'balls out' and raucous out of Uwe Boll, but he DID deliver the 'goods' seven years later with "Rampage". So check that out and check out "Zero Day" or the excellent and highly offensive school-shooter black comedy, "Duck! The Carbine High Massacre" instead of this.
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