I really got the impression from this one that some people were actually just drunk with a video camera and decided to make this movie on the spot. Nothing seems all that thought out and the production values are some of the shoddiest imaginable so that could very well be the case.
A bunch of drunks at a party all gather around to chisel the ice build-up out of the refrigerators' icebox. And they have WAY too much fun doing so. This pisses off the fridge, who gets revenge by killing and eating some of the people...
"Attack of the Killer Refrigerator" is only about 15-minutes long so it's not worth beating it up too bad. It's laughable and beyond cheezy - the best part involving a cat walking off frame, followed by a jump-cut and then someone's hands in clear view placing the cat on it's 'mark' to be eaten by the killer fridge. There's also a guy's head shown, clear-as-day, as one of the 'fridge jostlers' during the big "climax". This makes the director's only other film, "The Hook of Woodland Heights", actually look professional.
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