This 52-minute French film starts with the mother of a 10-month old baby who she is caring for alone while hubby is away on business. One day, a female backpacker comes a'knocking, asking permission to pitch her tent in the yard due to the nearest campsite being full. The mother allows this and, eventually, out of loneliness, begins pursuing some kind of chummy exchange with the stranger. While this is going on, mommy happens to stumble upon a fag orgy in the woods and has her box eaten by a kindly gentleman and the lady drifter seemingly has some sinister intentions brewing...
"See the Sea" has a nice build-up that leads to a conclusion I much anticipated. However, it's effective and well done. Having the mother being rather inattentive and careless with her infant made for an almost justifiable ending, I'd say, albeit, quite predictable. Still giving this one a moderate recommendation as it plays out pretty well as a reasonably quick watch.
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