
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Room 237 (2012, Rodney Ascher)

About a month ago I reviewed a little documentary on the 'unknown' called "Angel, Alien and UFO Encounters from Another Dimension". There is no direct relation between that film and "Room 237", as far as I know of, though I just found it somewhat interesting that these last two docs I have seen have been a few of the most vacuous and audaciously REACHING "hunt for the truth" themed keynote breakdowns I have ever witnessed. This one is a tad more watchable than "Angel, Alien and UFO Encounters", though it still left me grinding my teeth and emitting audible "Ugh!" noises throughout the majority of it's unnecessarily long run-time...

What "Room 237" does - or TRIES to do - is provide an analytical thesis on Stanley Kubrick's supernatural horror masterpiece, "The Shining", and point out some of the alleged subliminal messages and meanings peppered in throughout the film. A panel of... "experts" (?) were assembled - via shitty home-made audio recordings - to supply their interpretations on a number of ridiculous speculations surrounding Kubrick's intentions with the supposedly symbolic detail around the Overlook Hotel set, in terms of the disappearing/moving furniture between shots, the often impossible layout of the hotel's hallways and rooms, the Native American decor and references to the Holocaust and the Apollo 11 moon landing.

There's some obviously undeniable and interestingly enigmatic characteristics of the film that many would just chalk up to as your run-of-the-mill flaws, though it is these people's belief that Kubrick was way too meticulous of a film-maker to overlook some glaringly obvious things such as Stewart Ullman's 'impossible' office window and the disappearing chair behind Jack as he yells at Wendy about being distracted from his writing. These might have been on purpose. I don't rightly know, but when these dipshits start babbling about Kubrick's involvement in the faking of the Apollo moon landing footage is when I completely tune out. I've heard this shit before and I don't buy it. Then, at one point, one of these idiots starts playing the film forward and backward, simultaneously, in some kinda cross-dissolve form. He then proceeds to point out how at certain points in this retarded 'sequence' of rolling the film, things tend to match up in a peculiar and interesting way. Dark Side of the Moon and "The Wizard of Oz"... maybe. "The Shining" forward and backward... no. These desperate, over-analyzing assholes are truly an irritating bunch. The same kind of nuts who swear they see Christ's face burned into their grilled cheese sandwich or that a ripple in the water is an elusive, prehistoric creature.

Also, just the quality of this flick is annoyingly terrible. The people involved in the analysis seem unprepared most of the time and do an all-around shitty job of convincing the viewer of any of this stupid bullshit. At one point, when one of these guys is babbling about what the Torrence's suitcases represent or whatever the fuck, his baby starts yelling in the other room and he has to go tend to it. And they DON'T even edit this out!! They just pause the scene!

If you're curious at ALL about ay possible cryptic material that may be contained within Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining", there is a pretty interesting 21-chapter assessment written by Rob Ager that you can find online. It's often far-reaching as well, but it has a lot more of an intelligent rundown of some more believable possibilities than what was featured in this moronic film, which runs WAY too long and gets extremely repetitive. This is just another lousy documentary that should only be watched if you need something completely ridiculous to laugh at.

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